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Debates & Credits
17 Feb 2003
Public Urban Visual Communication and Art "Debates&Credits" explored ways for a direct intervention into public urban spaces, by integrating critical artistic ideas abo(..)>>
16 Feb 2003
A Concise Lexicon of / for the Digital Commons Editorial Note: This remarkable lexicon of / for the digital commons connects a range of considerations about the mediated (..)>>
16 Feb 2003
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PUBLIC DOMAIN About this FAQ: This FAQ about the public domain has been re-edited for the fourth time after it first appeared in Dutch lang(..)>>
24 Oct 2002
Artists participating in Debates & Credits >>
22 Sep 2002
General Introduction DEBATES & CREDITS is an attempt to find possibilities for artists to enter into a direct dialogue with mass audiences by interve(..)>>
5 Aug 2004
General Introduction "Debates & Credits" is an attempt to find possibilities for artists to enter into a direct dialogue with mass audiences by int(..)>>
5 Aug 2004
Minima Sententia by Tatiana Goryucheva "They are perfectly aware about the real state of affairs, but they continue to act as if they wer(..)>>
5 Aug 2004
Virtualité, adieu mon amour... by Eric Kluitenberg Donna Haraway already pointed it out, hybridity is a defining characteristic of our cyborg lives. We ar(..)>>
5 Aug 2004
JUST USE IT! There are two ways to understand the term ‘users’ - this central concept in the discourse of communication in the new (on-(..)>>
5 Aug 2004
Media Darkness by Oliver Marchart There is an unshakable belief in the idea that what defines the mass media is that they produce or con(..)>>
4 Aug 2004
Life and Death of the Public Sphere in the Soviet Union My article deals with the phenomenon of the public sphere in the USSR and its transformation in the process of revolutionary c(..)>>
8 Jun 2004
Art, Space and the Public Sphere(s). "Social space is produced and structured by conflicts. With this recognition, a democratic spatial politics begins." [1] Rosa(..)>>
3 Apr 2003
Artists participating in Debates & Credits >>
17 Feb 2003
Constructing the Digital Commons: by Eric Kluitenberg, Amsterdam, March 2003 Democracy can be understood in two notably distinct ways. In the institutional(..)>>
24 Oct 2002
Artists participating in Debates & Credits (in alfabetical order)>>
24 Oct 2002
General Introduction DEBATES & CREDITS is an attempt to find possibilities for artists to enter into a direct dialogue with mass audiences by interve(..)>>
7 Aug 2004
Minima Sententia Татьяна Горючева Они прекрасно сознают действительное положение д(..)>>
7 Aug 2004
Виртуальность, adieu mon amour... Эрик Клюйтенберг Как уже писала Донна Хэрэвей, определяющей хара(..)>>
7 Aug 2004
Медиатьма Размышления о публичном пространстве, свете и конфликте Оливер Ма(..)>>
7 Aug 2004
ПРОСТО ИСПОЛЬЗУЙ ЭТО! Существует двоякое понимание термина «пользователи» - этой централ(..)>>
7 Aug 2004
Жизнь и смерть советской публичности Речь в этой статье пойдет о советском публичном пространстве и его (..)>>
24 Nov 2003
Выпущены - КНИГА И DVD Завершающей частью голландско-российского арт-проекта «Дебаты и Кред(..)>>
17 Apr 2003
О концепции проекта >>
17 Apr 2003
О художниках-участниках >>
17 Apr 2003
Проект «дебаты и Кредиты»: молодое поколение голландских и российских художников о проблеме ви(..)>>
17 Apr 2003
FAQ [часто задаваемые вопросы] о публичной сфере [public domain] Эти FAQ о публичной сфере переиздаются уже четвертый раз с момента их(..)>>
17 Apr 2003
Конструируя цифровое общественное достояние Вхождение в гибридизацию Эрик Клюйтенберг Амстердам, март 2003 Демократия может быть рассмотр(..)>>
16 Apr 2003
О партнерах и финансовой поддержке В Амстердае административную поддержку проекта обеспечил Центр ку(..)>>