
Name   : Geert Lovink & Pit Schultz
Time   : 15:00 - 16:00 (Balie Theatre)
Subject: Net criticism
Date   : Sunday 21 January 1996
Theorie Direkt

Let's call it 'Theorie Direkt'. After a period of the circuitous postmodernist patchworks and their tendency to drain one's energy while circulating in the academic networks, time has now come for political directness. The rhizome is no longer a goal of textual liberation, it is the posthuman condition of losing oneself in hyperspace.

The hy-speed of the electric word leads to a self-referential arbitrariness in search of an outside bind, originating from the will to break out the prison of Being Digital and becoming bastard. Only the virtual position with its impossible external observer seem to exist, but at the same time we feel the urgent need for the production of a collective subjectivity from within the Net, in order to counter its oppressive and alienating effects.

Geert Lovink (
Pit Schultz (