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from: pit@uropax.contrib.de

brave new world - the net as a transcendent space

the net is the place where consciousness appears without a body. the contact of entities is limited to the information that is able to get through it. you are not able not send more and there are no chance to send more. the body is not a determinant anymore, it has come to an end as a physical matter and the determininative factor of possibilities.
there are no nice ones and ugly ones, physical condition does not make sense.
the distance of the entities depends on the speed of the data transfer between the adequate individuals. their proximity depends on the mode and quality -- could i summarize it 'density' -- of the data transfer. undeniably there is a fashion and exhibitionism. if you do not want to exhibit something in a public display, you do not do it. if you want, you cannot deny why you has done it. unconditional bow and gentle obedience to the maintainer of the net, the provider of existence. this is the point where real world comes to sight. power could not be avoided in the space. power comes from outside. every power factor has its own sovereign territory. often they cooperate, but there are totally isolated areas. everyone is able to create a space with the sources of the real world to rule it and manipulate its entities. total absolutism and anarchy within the own space and it has only a limitation of the real world.
the possession of information is an inner (pseudo) power. the obtaining of power is theft, deception and lie. the hero of the new age is a descendant of the thieves. unauthorized peeking to those things the other makes secret of.
appearance in somebody's likeness. their running to earth. the power gained this way could be validate only outside the space. the punishment comes as well from there.
there are no manipulation of the masses. every data exists apart, for its own sake. the existence of the entities in the space is proven by the datas and they consume these datas. electronsucker vampires. every entity has its own habits and culture of consuming. it is picky, lives on its own favourite nourishment, not even tastes the other ones.
desperately looks for food.
birth and death, the appearance and disappearance of the counsciousness-entity are consequences of outer events, (physical) real world processes. the only possibilities within the system are starving and exile.
the role of the real world is distorting. it is transforming into the maintainer of the consciousness-entity.
totalitarian expectations of the consciousness, the subordination of the psysical reality. the lack of intellectual nourishment shows the symptoms of dependency.
the appearance of entities in the space those has no real world body. the new era. they are restricted, because they cannot assert their results direcly they gained in the space.
they are more free, because the real world restrictions and rules are not apply to them. they can contact the outer world through other entities those have real world existence, in this way they can assert their inner power.
they are able to the evolution.