
F5 (digital video artists label) and Clausthome (noise and electronic musicians) are Riga based artists' groups that experiments with the resources available in electro-acoustic, computer and cyber environments in creating their sounds and visuals. F5 and Clausthome are collaborating since 1999 and they have performed in the ArtGenda Biennale in Helsinki (May 2000), at opening of Art+Communication festival in Riga (August 2000), and at performance night during the Net.Congestion festival in Amsterdam (October 2000). F5 and Clausthome are also regularly participating live real audio/video sessions at net.radio OZONE (http://ozone.re-lab.net), E-Lab(http://re-lab.net), Riga. Some of their streaming audio and video sessions are available at: http://ozone.re-lab.net/sessions/08aug2000.ram http://ozone.re-lab.net/sessions/13sep2000.ram Most recent on-line project is hybrid streaming performance META-STREAM - in collaboration with E-LAB (development and co-ordination), OP! (live web-page editing); live sound - real audio stream by Clausthome, live video-mix by F5: http://ozone.re-lab.net/meta

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Lauris Vorslavs
Martins Ratniks

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