Saskia Sassen


Saskia Sassen is the Ralph Lewis Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago, and Centennial Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics. She is currently completing her forthcoming book Denationalization : Economy and Polity in a Global Digital Age (Princeton University Press 2003) based on her five year project on governance and accountability in a global economy. Her most recent books are Guests and Aliens (New York: New Press 1999) and her edited book Global Networks/Linked Cities (New York and London: Routledge 2002). The Global City is out in a new fully updated edition in 2001. Her books have been translated into ten languages. She is co-director of the Economy Section of the Global Chicago Project, a Member of the National Academy of Sciences Panel on Urban Data Sets, a Member of the Council of Foreign Relations, and Chair of the newly formed Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security Committee of the SSRC.

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Saskia Sassen