Noortje Marres


Noortje Marres is a political philosopher and researcher at the University of Amsterdam. She completed her Ph.D. thesis No Issue, No Public. Democratic deficits after the displacement of politics, at the philosophy department of the University of Amsterdam in November 2005. In recent years, she has co-organised the workshop series The Social Life of Issues and she was one of the editors of the festival Next Five Minutes 4 which took place in Amsterdam in 2003. She recently contributed an article to the catalogue Making Things Public (MIT Press, 2005) on the debate between the philosopher John Dewey and the journalist Walter Lippmann about the fate of democracy in the technological society. Together with Richard Rogers, she wrote the piece "Subsuming the Ground. How local realities of the Ferghana Valley, the Narmada Dams, and the BTC pipeline are put to use on the Web“ (available via SSRC).

Participating in:

The legacy of the globalisation protests and the politics of appropriation.
The News about Networks - debat
Incommunicado 05
Het publieke Verlangen - Issue Politics

Related Groups:

Amsterdam Editorial Team