home Sao Paulo Net.Art to Net.Activism

Net.Art to Net.Activism
Notes from a Lecture by Derek Holzer
This list includes links to all of the websites I discussed in my lecture at the Brasil Midia Tactica event, as well as to a few others giving some addtional information and context. My intention here, as in my talk, is to show a certain [insert here: incomplete, personally subjective, etc] trajectory which begins in the formalist beginnings of net.art in the mid 90's and continues through the socially engaged works of internet activism, hactivism, journalism and artwork of the past couple of years.

Jurassic Net.Art: the formalists
A.Shulgin + N.Bookchin's "History of Net.Art (1994-1999)": http://www.easylife.org/netart/
Jodi.org: http://wwwwwwwww.jodi.org/
Vuk Cosic: http://www.ljudmila.org/~vuk/
Net.Radio 101: peer-to-peer communications
Eric Kluitenberg: "Media Without an Audience":
Net.Radio Guide: http://www.irational.org/radio/radio_guide/
XChange [Riga, Latvia]: http://xchange.re-lab.net/
Ozone Radio [Riga]: http://ozone.re-lab.net/
Microradio.NET: http://www.microradio.net/
Net.Congestion Festival: http://net.congestion.org/
Radio B92 [Serbia]: http://www.b92.net/
Free B92 Campaign: http://www.freeb92.net/free.html
+ http://helpb92.xs4all.nl/
A Little Bit of Theory: J.Bosma, C.Fusco and DocumentaXI
Jospehine Bosma's Review of Documenta XI:
Coco Fusco: a modest proposal for josephine bosma:
Documenta XI Homepage: http://www.documenta.de/data/english/index.html
Tactical Cartography: mapping power structures
Bureau d'Etudes: http://bureaudetudes.free.fr/act.html
ISee [Institute for Applied Autonomy]: http://www.appliedautonomy.com/isee/
They Rule: http://www.theyrule.net/
Hactivism: press releases, websites and other such interesting lies
Gatt.org [YesMen, RTMark]: http://www.gatt.org/
World Trade Organization: http://www.wto.org/
YesMen in Finland: http://www.rtmark.com/yesfinland.html
+ http://www.theyesmen.org/finland/
+ http://theyesmen.org/finland/photos.html
YesMen take on Dow Chemical: http://www.theyesmen.org/dow/
+ http://www.mad-dow-disease.com/
YesMen's "ReamWeaver" software: http://www.reamweaver.com/
Floodnet [CyberZapatismo]: http://www.thing.net/~rdom/ecd/ZapTact.html
Localizing Digital Culture: inverting techno-globalization
Sarai [Delhi, India]: http://www.sarai.net/community/saraincomm.htm
Kurumin [Brasillian Linux Distro]: http://www.guiadohardware.net/linux/kurumin/index.asp
Projecto Metafora: http://www.projetometafora.org/
Ativismo Mediatico [Cidade Tiradentes DIY Media]: http://www.ativismomidiatico.com.br/
Privacy and Surveillance: challenging the gaze of authority
Echelon Watch: http://www.echelonwatch.org/
New York Surveillance Camera Players: http://www.notbored.org/the-scp.html
+ http://www.d-i-n-a.net/it/metagallery/scp.html
ISee [Institute for Applied Autonomy]: http://www.appliedautonomy.com/isee/
VOPOS: http://www.0100101110101101.org/home/vopos/index.html
Gene-Hackers: reverse-engineering corperate frankensteins
Critical Art Ensemble Homepage: http://www.critical-art.net/
BioCom [CAE]: http://www.critical-art.net/biotech/biocom/biocomWeb/index.html
Superweed [H.Bunting]: http://www.irational.org/cta/superweed/
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments:
Derek Holzer
Next 5 Minutes 4: http://www.n5m4.org/