

391 found for 'hybrid space'

Caution (electrosmog!)
Caution (electrosmog!)
Bureaud'Etudes, from the series "Be an Electrosmog Fighter", 2010.

Debates & Credits
Debates & Credits
Media / Art / Public Domain - a Dutch / Russian Media / Art / Urban Intervention Project.
Amsterdam, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, September 11 - October 13, 2002.

BEAMMOBILE: Mobile projection of animated slogans on Vera Mukhina's famous "Worker and the Farmer's Daugther" statue in Moscow, just outside the expo park of 'economic achievements of the Soviet Union'.

Not Home
"Happiness is where I am not" - Darko Fritz's Search for Home
Eric Kluitenberg
tags:  artmigrationborders

Sue Basko
Sue Basko, Lawyer.
tags:  public spaceoccupy

Oleg Kireev: Miliitsia in Amsterdam
Oleg Kireev: Militsia in Amsterdam

tags:  urban interventionpublic spacehybrid space

On the Way to 12M (still)
On the Way to 12M (still)
The video shows images mostly from Spain as it tries to describe the beginning of the "Spanish Revolution" that started on May 15th 2011 (the map shows the tweets sent between the different cities during that month) and its continuation to other countries....

Holograms for Freedom
Holograms for Freedom (introduction)

tags:  activismdemocracyhybrid spacestreet protest

Holograms for Freedom
Holograms for Freedom

tags:  democracyhybrid spacestreet protest

INC Network Notebooks 05: Legacies of Tactical Media (cover)
INC Network Notebooks 05: Legacies of Tactical Media (cover)

Saskia Sassen at the Hybrid Workspace
Saskia Sassen at the Hybrid Workspace

Aalam Wassef
Aalam Wassef, 38, is an Egyptian independent artist (installations, new media), blogger and internet activist.
He is bas...
tags:  artnet.activismmiddle east

Luchezar Boyadjiev
Luchezar Boyadjiev is a Bulgarian artist, working and living in Sofia, Bulgaria. As an Eastern European artist he often found ...
tags:  post-governmental organisation

Publication: Legacies of Tactical Media - The Tactics of Occupation: From Tompkins Square to Tahrir.
Out now and available for download - INC Network Notebooks 05
TMF Editors
tags:  tactical mediaarchivetheorymedia theoryhybrid spacetactical campingoccupyself-mediationtactical research

A Different Sense of Time - Reading Tactical Media
Eric Kluitenberg
tags:  tactical mediaarchiveactivisminfo-activismtactical research

Holograms for Freedom
Holograms for Freedom
On April 10th, 2015, 17,857 people protested in front of the Spanish Parliament in the only way the Gag Law allowed them to. Turned into holograms.
It was the first Hologram Protest in History. Help us make it the last one.
Holograms for Freedom
Holograms for Freedom
On April 10th, 2015, 17,857 people protested in front of the Spanish Parliament in the only way the Gag Law allowed them to. Turned into holograms.
It was the first Hologram Protest in History. Help us make it the last one.
Holograms for Freedom
Holograms for Freedom
On April 10th, 2015, 17,857 people protested in front of the Spanish Parliament in the only way the Gag Law allowed them to. Turned into holograms.
It was the first Hologram Protest in History. Help us make it the last one.
Holograms for Freedom
Holograms for Freedom
On April 10th, 2015, 17,857 people protested in front of the Spanish Parliament in the only way the Gag Law allowed them to. Turned into holograms.
It was the first Hologram Protest in History. Help us make it the last one.
Holograms for Freedom
Holograms for Freedom
On April 10th, 2015, 17,857 people protested in front of the Spanish Parliament in the only way the Gag Law allowed them to. Turned into holograms.
It was the first Hologram Protest in History. Help us make it the last one.
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