

5 found for 'postcolonialism'

Bernard-Henri Lévy in Tripoli
Bernard-Henri Lévy in Tripoli
Bernard-Henri Lévy stands with members of the NTC in Tripoli.
Image taken from:

'Mahomeds & sa Troupe composée des 15 Arabes'
'Mahomeds & sa Troupe composée des 15 Arabes'
A current exhibit at the Quai Branly Muesum called "The Invention of the Savage" analyzes the ways in
which human difference was staged from the fifteenth to the nineteenth century.
Photo by Muriam Haleh Davis.

The Invention of the Savage - Zoological Garden of Acclimation
The Invention of the Savage - Zoological Garden of Acclimation
An image from "The Invention of the Savage" exhibit in the Quai Branly Museum in Paris depicting a Zoological Garden of Acclimation.
[Image by Muriam Haleh Davis]

Cartoon: 'Collection Printemps Aarabes / Collection Automne Democrate'
Cartoon: 'Collection Printemps Aarabes / Collection Automne Democrate'
A cartoon characterizes the difference between the "Arab Spring" (on the left) and the "Democratic Autumn" (on the right).
Image taken from

The Invention of the Savage: Colonial Exhibitions and the Staging of the Arab Spring
Muriam Haleh Davis
tags:  middle eaststreet protestpostcolonialism

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