Browse Video
Albania: From Communism to Capitalism
Albania: From Communism to Capitalism
Allpamanda Por la Tierra,
Allpamanda Por la Tierra,
Amandla Awetu/ Power to the People
Amandla Awetu/ Power to the People
America Behind Bars
America Behind Bars
Americain Autumn: an Occudoc
American Autumn: an Occudoc
AMG Strain software
AMG Strain software
ANIMAL and Stamp Stampede KillCitizensUnited
ANIMAL and Stamp Stampede KillCitizensUnited
Anonymous Declaration of Freedom
Anonymous Declaration of Freedom

Vluchtgarage the eviction


    April 13, 2015
    Amsterdam’s homeless refugee scandal continues...

    We Are Here is a group of refugees in Amsterdam that does not get any housing provided by the government but also is not allowed to work and therefore should live on the street. The group decided to make the inhumane situation that they have to live in visible, by no longer hiding, but showing the situation of refugees that are out of procedure in The Netherlands. Thanks to the power of the refugees and the help of many supporters, the group exists already for around two years. We Are Here is currently in different locations.


