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Babylon Archives
Babylon Archives
Bandwidtth: The Economy of Information
Bandwidtth: The Economy of Information
Battle for Trafalgar
Battle for Trafalgar
BeamMobile tm  Amsterdam
BeamMobile tm Amsterdam
BeamMobile tm  Moscow
BeamMobile tm Moscow
The Latin King and Queen Nation (video still)
Black & Gold: The Latin King and Queen Nation
Artist: Julie Andreyev
black hawk around
Bleach,Teach and Outreach
Bleach,Teach, and Outreach

NY Times Special Edition: Iraq War Ends! on CNN


    Hundreds of independent writers, artists, and activists are claiming credit for an elaborate project, 6 months in the making, in which 1.2 million copies of a "special edition" of the New York Times were distributed in cities across the U.S. by thousands of volunteers.

    The papers, dated July 4th of next year, were headlined with long-awaited news: "IRAQ WAR ENDS". The edition, which bears the same look and feel as the real deal, includes stories describing what the future could hold: national health care, the abolition of corporate lobbying, a maximum wage for CEOs, etc. There was also a spoof site, at


