Browse Video
InfoWarRoom Amsterdam compilation
InfoWarRoom Amsterdam compilation
INFOWARROOM: Autonomous Representation and Changing Media Tools
INFOWARROOM: Autonomous Representation and Changing Media Tools
InfoWarRoom: Tactical Media Files Workshop
InfoWarRoom: Tactical Media Files Workshop
Instant Salvation
Instant Salvation
Interview with Trevor Bayliss
Interview with Trevor Bayliss
Interzona Hardcore
Interzona Hardcore
Introduction to the Institute for Applied Autonomy
Introduction to the Institute for Applied Autonomy
Justice on Trial - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Justice on Trial - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal

War Lives and Videotape

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Follows the story of what happened when photojournalist Nick Danziger returns to Kabul, Afghanistan after 2 years to try and negotiate the release of orphaned children abandoned in a derelict asylum growing up among chained inmates. He also gives a portrait of the city under siege and devastated by war.

