Browse Video
Babylon Archives
Babylon Archives
Bandwidtth: The Economy of Information
Bandwidtth: The Economy of Information
Battle for Trafalgar
Battle for Trafalgar
BeamMobile tm  Amsterdam
BeamMobile tm Amsterdam
BeamMobile tm  Moscow
BeamMobile tm Moscow
The Latin King and Queen Nation (video still)
Black & Gold: The Latin King and Queen Nation
Artist: Julie Andreyev
black hawk around
Bleach,Teach and Outreach
Bleach,Teach, and Outreach

Fight Back, Fight AIDS: 15 Years of ACT UP


    Over the span of its 15-year history, ACT UP (the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) has helped to transform the world's consciousness about HIV and AIDS, and made activism a vital part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and AIDS political landscape. Comprehensively documented by media activists and video collectives, the bold strategies, media savvy, and decidedly queer wit of ACT UP remains a fresh source of inspiration to today's artists and activists through the invaluable trove of images sampled in this dynamic program of AIDS activist video. 2002 USA 75 English Transcription available at . November 2002 ACT UP (AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power) (New York)


