Browse Video
Babylon Archives
Babylon Archives
Bandwidtth: The Economy of Information
Bandwidtth: The Economy of Information
Battle for Trafalgar
Battle for Trafalgar
BeamMobile tm  Amsterdam
BeamMobile tm Amsterdam
BeamMobile tm  Moscow
BeamMobile tm Moscow
The Latin King and Queen Nation (video still)
Black & Gold: The Latin King and Queen Nation
Artist: Julie Andreyev
black hawk around
Bleach,Teach and Outreach
Bleach,Teach, and Outreach



    Talker is a "video-book", a reworking of an unpublished artist's book (with Andrew Bick). The public voice of Talker champions "truth" and is always praying for those he meets. His refrain ("You have left the asylum and are waiting for a taxi to take you to paradise") is a gambit to the losers of the world. Talker is a proselytiser, a defender of the faith. But he keeps a private journal (Diary of a Network Methodist) in which he articulates a deep scepticism, exposes lost love and his history in the asylum. There are (too) many words/images in the book. The video (intercut with scenes from Dreyer's Day of Wrath) attempts a fugue from both word and image, as if to escape from memory while it oscillates between stillness & movement, language & silence, love & truth. 2003 UK technolog art UK texts, editing, production, camera, sound: Gad Hollander


