Browse Video
Hands Up Don't Shoot
#handsup Don't Shoot
#S17NYC - Occupy Wall Street Year One (still)
#S17NYC - Occupy Wall Street Year One
10 tactics
10 tactics
Moving Forest
2012 The Moving Forest: An Opera
30 Seconds of Entertainment
30 Seconds of Entertainment
9.11 Another World is Possible
9.11 Another World is Possible
A busz       THE BUS (The yellowbus)
A busz THE BUS (The yellowbus)

Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on education and military


    Noam Chomsky on education and military, the new economy, and the battles to control oil resources An intimate interview with Noam Chomsky, one of America's most prominent political dissidents. A renowned professor of linguistics at MIT, he has authored over 30 political books. In this part of the interview he discusses education and the military, the new economy and the battles to control oil resources. Recorded during a round table of anti-war campaigners. 2003, United Kingdom, 7 min


