Browse Video
Facial Weaponization Suite - Fag Face Mask
Facial Weaponization Communiqué: Fag Face
facing time. parallel in an orbit
facing time. parallel in an orbit
Fake Folk
Fake Folk
Falls and Rises
Falls and Rises
Ferguson Speaks
Ferguson Speaks: A Communique From Ferguson
Fight Back, Fight AIDS: 15 Years of ACT UP
Fight Back, Fight AIDS: 15 Years of ACT UP
Fighting the Giant Squid: challenging the Corporate Media
Fighting the Giant Squid: challenging the Corporate Media
Formal Engagement (Trailer and TV Spots)
Formal Engagement (Trailer and TV Spots)

Instant Salvation


    A collage of quotations - image and sound - from the film 'Terminator 2 - Judgement Day' by James Cameron (1991), mixed with sentences out of the 4 gospels of the New Testament, spoken by a female voice. Thyes takes scenes from the film where Christian moral cliche's and myths of the saviour are shown, combines them with texts out of the bible, and interrupts them with product placements, shown in the same film. The "saviours" - Terminator Schwarzenegger and the boy - and the visionary "Madonna" - Sarah, mother of the boy - convert the black scientist to destroy his work and to sacrifice himself: a typically Christian story of colonisation. 2002, Germany;Screenplay, Editing, Graphics, Voice (German), Sound mix: M. Thyes


