Browse Video
BeamMobile tm  Moscow
BeamMobile tm Moscow
The Latin King and Queen Nation (video still)
Black & Gold: The Latin King and Queen Nation
Artist: Julie Andreyev
black hawk around
Bleach,Teach and Outreach
Bleach,Teach, and Outreach
Blind Poetry
Blind Poetry
Bloem (Flower)
Bloem (Flower)
Bookfair 2010 Interview with Dr. Richard Barbrook
Bookfair 2010 Interview with Dr. Richard Barbrook
Boom - The Sound of Eviction
Boom - The Sound of Eviction

Gaza Book of Longing


    The landscape of a botanical conservatory drives the memory of dispossession as a woman yearns for the climate of her homeland. Her search and discovery of a solitary olive tree in the metropolis reveals a longing that cannot be bounded by artificial constructions. The tree and the woman struggle within the space of captivity to reconcile the reciprocal relationship between support and display as they find themselves lost in a land of others, far away from home. 2003, USA, 2 mins. directed by Jessica Allee, Shane Flores, Wago Kreider


