Browse Video
Interview with Trevor Bayliss
Interview with Trevor Bayliss
Interzona Hardcore
Interzona Hardcore
Introduction to the Institute for Applied Autonomy
Introduction to the Institute for Applied Autonomy
Justice on Trial - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Justice on Trial - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Khaled for Vendetta (Still)
Khaled for Vendetta
Kontiki / Bodhisattva
Kontiki / Bodhisattva
Kraqhouse - the next step in fashion evolution
Kraqhaus Jeans - Plumber's Pants
La Città dei Vagabondi
La Città dei Vagabondi

Different Systems of Chaos


    What happens when you bring together Alexander Lukashenko, a Lithuanian arts school for children, and the BBC? Can an administrator and an artist share the same body? In April 2003 a four day collaborative performance took place at Alytaus Dalies Mokykla. Over the Duration the Direktor of the school performed as the Direktor of the school, the teachers portrayed teachers, the students acted as students, and two visitors with video cameras played the role of the BBC. This video is the result. 2003. Lithuania/UK, 24'.a video by Anya Lewin and Steven Eastwood


