Browse Video
Different Systems of Chaos
Different Systems of Chaos
Dinnerparty at Mr. Jurgen Trittin
Dinnerparty at Mr. Jurgen Trittin
Disobbedienti - Oliver Ressler / Dario Azzellini
Disobbedienti - Oliver Ressler / Dario Azzellini
Disruption Network Lab 2: CYBORG
Disruption Network Lab: Introducing the Cyborg with Franco Berardi
dissent in RGB
dissent in RGB
Dolls & Dust: Women Workers in Sri Lanka, Thailand and South Korea.
Dolls & Dust: Women Workers in Sri Lanka, Thailand and South Korea.
Don't Invade my Privacy
Don't Invade my Privacy
don´t piss down my back and tell me it´s raining
don´t piss down my back and tell me it´s raining

Different Systems of Chaos


    What happens when you bring together Alexander Lukashenko, a Lithuanian arts school for children, and the BBC? Can an administrator and an artist share the same body? In April 2003 a four day collaborative performance took place at Alytaus Dalies Mokykla. Over the Duration the Direktor of the school performed as the Direktor of the school, the teachers portrayed teachers, the students acted as students, and two visitors with video cameras played the role of the BBC. This video is the result. 2003. Lithuania/UK, 24'.a video by Anya Lewin and Steven Eastwood


