Browse Video
Demolition Man The Fight
Demolition Man The Fight
Demoltion man
Die Rumänen (Leben wie ein König) The Romanians (Live like a king)
Die Rumänen (Leben wie ein König) The Romanians (Live like a king)
Die Spanien Rettung (Spain Bailout) - still
Die Spanien Rettung (A message to the german people from Spain)
Different Systems of Chaos
Different Systems of Chaos
Dinnerparty at Mr. Jurgen Trittin
Dinnerparty at Mr. Jurgen Trittin
Disobbedienti - Oliver Ressler / Dario Azzellini
Disobbedienti - Oliver Ressler / Dario Azzellini
Disruption Network Lab 2: CYBORG
Disruption Network Lab: Introducing the Cyborg with Franco Berardi

De oorlog is stout (The war is naughty)


    At 22 march 2003 there was a big demonstration in Amsterdam against the war in Iraq. The 5 year old girl Marijn photographed this demonstration with one-use camera´s. It was the first time she realized what a demonstration is. Her images are the basis of the video "the war is naughty" and are put in a fast montage. The soundtrack is of bombs and dialogue of American en Iraqi soldiers. The video is part of the installation "Kroniek van een aangekondigde oorlog:" (chronicle of a war announced) 2003. The Netherlands. 1'


