Browse Video
Informed Dissent: Paint protest - Graffiti Night Out screencapture
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on Latin America
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky compares the anti-Iraq war movement with the Vietnam and other anti-war campaigns
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the anti-Iraq war movement
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the connection between the Marshall plan and oil and how globalisation will result in an increase in Terrorism.
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the Marshall plan
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the US presidential campaign, the Middle East an Iran and Iraq's possible response to an invasion
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the US presidential campaign
Informed Dissent: Noam chomsky speaks about U.S involvement in South and Latin America.
Informed Dissent: Noam chomsky speaks about U.S involvement in South and Latin America.
Informed Dissent: Noam chomsky:The U.S is one of the leading terrorist states in the worl
Informed Dissent: Noam chomsky:The U.S is one of the leading terrorist states in the world
Informed Dissent: Seize the Day
Informed Dissent: Seize the Day
Informed Dissent: Weapons Inspectors
Informed Dissent: Weapons Inspectors

De oorlog is stout (The war is naughty)


    At 22 march 2003 there was a big demonstration in Amsterdam against the war in Iraq. The 5 year old girl Marijn photographed this demonstration with one-use camera´s. It was the first time she realized what a demonstration is. Her images are the basis of the video "the war is naughty" and are put in a fast montage. The soundtrack is of bombs and dialogue of American en Iraqi soldiers. The video is part of the installation "Kroniek van een aangekondigde oorlog:" (chronicle of a war announced) 2003. The Netherlands. 1'


