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OMNIGENUS / Pantyliners Made of Nettle for your Mental Hygiene


    OMNIGENUS / Higijenski ulosci od koprive za mentalnu higijenu (OMNIGENUS / Pantyliners Made of Nettle for your Mental Hygiene) The Pantyliners Made of Nettle are designed in such a way that it fits contemplative needs of all genders and the soft absorbing layer has been replaced by a plant which causes painful irritation of skin. Through the transfer of purpose, the pantyliner, from a product for physiological hygiene, turns into a product for mental hygiene. The pantyliner is known as a product intended for women during their period, but in this case it is advertised by a male, female, hermaphrodite and eunuch. Omnigenus raises the question of the traditional establishment of social institutions and the growing influence of clericalism in Serbian society, with clear allusions to savagely beaten-up participants in the parade of the 'sexually different' on the Day of Pride (Belgrade, 2001), which has not been adequately reacted to by the political structures and the official church. "OMNIGENUS" is made in a form of TV advertisement under the slogan of »Urtica medicamentum est« (Nettle Cures), and it has been broadcasted during 2001 on following Serbian TV stations: TV "B92" channel, TV Politika, ART channel, TV "Pink", "SOS" channel, "YU info". Serbian National Television (RTS) refused to broadcast Omnigenus because of the "obscene" content. copy: "OMNIGENUS Pantyliners Made of Nettle are designed to suit the mental needs of all genders. The tender absorbing layer has been replaced by a plant that causes painful irritation of the skin, thus maintaining your social adequacy. OMNIGENUS Pantyliners Made of Nettle for your Mental Hygiene." 2001. Serbia and montenegro. 18'.


