Browse Video
Escape from Woomera (screenshot)
Escape from Woomera Trailer
essential horizont
essential horizont
Estrecho Adventure
Estrecho Adventure
EuroMayDay Milano 2005
EuroMayDay Milano 2005
Façadisme, choucroute & démocratie
Façadisme, choucroute & démocratie

facing time. parallel in an orbit


    In 12 time zones around the earth two persons spend one hour facing the sun. They are parallel to each other; their seeing rays and the sunbeams in parallel point to the same infinitely distant point, where they meet each other. Simultaneously, they rotate with the earth and circulate around the sun. It is about parallelism and circulation, staged to experience time. Moments of this time experience are recorded by a video camera. The camera is directed towards the sun and towards the same infinitely distant point, back-light shooting. The persons become silhouettes that frame the light of the sun. The radical reduction of the formal matter and action (story line), intensified by the camera focus, consequently repeated all around the earth, gives the viewer time to reflect. The slowness of the pictures opens the possibility of finding parallel contents beyond the formal image reception. To spend time with time, from abstract time (artificial slow motion of natural movements) up to the time experienced as a cosmic process (rotation of the earth) ... or to be bored ... as long as the picture is interrupted by a certain question, which again reflects on time. Image perception depends on time. Time codes images. A video out of time to experience time? * "facing time" is a parallel project of the international media art project "Sunpendulum" recorded at the installation sites of the "Sunpendulum Time-Eyes". 2002. Austria. 12'. directors: Hofstetter Kurt and Barbara Doser


