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Candida TV: Reality Hacking
Candida TV: Reality Hacking
Paolo Cirio - Capture, 2020 (detail)
Capture - Paolo Cirio, 2020
chunking house screencapture
Chungking House, de Luxe Hotel - Ivanka Bakker
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army Recruitment Flyer
Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army Recruitment Video
Cleaners for a better Future!
Cleaners for a better Future!
Wikileaks: Collateral Murder
Collateral Murder
Collision - Michelle Teran
Collision - Michelle Teran

Kraqhaus Jeans - Plumber's Pants


    This commercial parody hopes to demonstrate the susceptibility of the American public to fashion trends and advertising as a whole. How much of something is acceptable? Just as much as we are told to accept. A beautiful woman enters a club, she is the center of attention, everyone stares. Some hate her, some exclaim in surprise and others openly lust for her. When she finally deigns to acknowledge the crowds attention she explains the secret of her popularity to the viewer, "The one thing you don't want in fashion is old fashion" or be trendy no matter what. The patrons of the club can now go on with their lives as the announcer gives us the tag line, "Kraqhaus Jeans, redefining fashionable." Redefining fashionable not fashion, redefining what is acceptable for the crowd. 2002. United States of America. 38'. Writer/Producer/Director Frank Harding


