Browse Video
Albania: From Communism to Capitalism
Albania: From Communism to Capitalism
Allpamanda Por la Tierra,
Allpamanda Por la Tierra,
Amandla Awetu/ Power to the People
Amandla Awetu/ Power to the People
America Behind Bars
America Behind Bars
Americain Autumn: an Occudoc
American Autumn: an Occudoc
AMG Strain software
AMG Strain software
ANIMAL and Stamp Stampede KillCitizensUnited
ANIMAL and Stamp Stampede KillCitizensUnited
Anonymous Declaration of Freedom
Anonymous Declaration of Freedom

Demoltion man


    Registration of the open exposition with the cage fighter Allistair Overeem from the Bijlmer, Amsterdam fighting in St. Petersburg as subject. In the main hall of the subway station "Bijlmer" posters are shown in the tradition of the Russian social realistical Art. Including interviews with the organisers Arno Coenen and Klaartje Pander, Allistair and visitors of the exposition. 2002, Dutch/Russian Art project "Debates & Credits"


