Browse Video
Moving Forest
2012 The Moving Forest: An Opera
30 Seconds of Entertainment
30 Seconds of Entertainment
9.11 Another World is Possible
9.11 Another World is Possible
A busz       THE BUS (The yellowbus)
A busz THE BUS (The yellowbus)
A message from Anonymous to Wall street, New York, and the Protestors
A message from Anonymous to Wall street
About Mosireen (still)
About Mosireen (Cairo)

Mother Sister Daughter : The Violence They Face


    Strongly influenced by patriarchal norms and values, discrimination against women begins right from birth in Nepali society, meaning that torture and violence against women and girls is rampant. Women of all ages are found to be subjected to physical, sexual and psychological abuse across boundaries of class, caste and ethnic background. Many traditional and cultural beliefs are misinterpreted to endorse male supremacy and reinforce a social hierarchy where women are inferior to and dependant upon men. Such violence against women has a continued history of going unreported and unchallenged for centuries. Thus silence still shields perpetrators of violent acts against women from justice... It is this silence that the video attempts to break. It features glimpses of a few of the many forms of violence faced by women in Nepal ranging from cultural violence to domestic and family violence. It attempts to provide an examination of the problems through interviews with survivors of violence and the agony and pain they underwent. In an attempt to provide solutions to the problem it also features interviews with social activists, legal practitioners and the media. 2003. Nepal. 26'. Concept, Direction, Script & Narration Bandana Rana


