Browse Video
After the Storm
After the Storm
Ah! the Hopeful Pageantry of Bread and Puppet
Ah! the Hopeful Pageantry of Bread and Puppet
Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera
al jazeera
al jazeera
Albania: From Communism to Capitalism
Albania: From Communism to Capitalism
Allpamanda Por la Tierra,
Allpamanda Por la Tierra,
Amandla Awetu/ Power to the People
Amandla Awetu/ Power to the People
America Behind Bars
America Behind Bars

Walk and look and eat and lie and talk to you


    As the soundtrack threatens to suffocate with its magnified rumble of tape noise, worn out subtitles collide on screen with the snow and stutter of recently discarded technology. A blank vhs cassette, duplicated and re-duplicated, franticly animates the screen with the spluttering of degrading, fragile tape and interwoven in this technological fallout are the whispers of sub-titled lives culled from the dislocated characters of Jean-Luc Godard's 'Two or three things I know about her'. 2003. UK. 15'. A video by Rob Kennedy


