Browse Video
Interview with Trevor Bayliss
Interview with Trevor Bayliss
Interzona Hardcore
Interzona Hardcore
Introduction to the Institute for Applied Autonomy
Introduction to the Institute for Applied Autonomy
Justice on Trial - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Justice on Trial - The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Khaled for Vendetta (Still)
Khaled for Vendetta
Kontiki / Bodhisattva
Kontiki / Bodhisattva
Kraqhouse - the next step in fashion evolution
Kraqhaus Jeans - Plumber's Pants
La Città dei Vagabondi
La Città dei Vagabondi

Die Rumänen (Leben wie ein König) The Romanians (Live like a king)


    Peter and Aurelia Plesa came to Austria in 1990 to escape the dictatorship in Romania. They discuss the current political and social situation in Romania and their life in Austria, their work at the local factory, their sorrows and dreams. The interviews are mixed with home videos shot by Peter and Aurelia on their holidays in Romania. 2002. Austria. 14'. Script, Camera, Editing: Heidrun Holzfeind.


