Browse Video
Americain Autumn: an Occudoc
American Autumn: an Occudoc
AMG Strain software
AMG Strain software
ANIMAL and Stamp Stampede KillCitizensUnited
ANIMAL and Stamp Stampede KillCitizensUnited
Anonymous Declaration of Freedom
Anonymous Declaration of Freedom
Anonymous Support for WikiLeaks
Anonymous Support for WikiLeaks
Anonymous: Operation Egypt
Anonymous: Operation Egypt
Aquagymtaichi quanstepaerobics bodyconditionning
Art is not 'Bioterrorism'
Art is not 'Bioterrorism'

Black & Gold: The Latin King and Queen Nation


    In 1994 the Latin Kings, the largest and most powerful street gang in New York, became the Latin King and Queen Nation. They claim to have abandoned their criminal past and to be following in the footsteps of the Black Panthers and Young Lords. With over 3000 members in New York, some see the Nation as the most important political voice to rise from the streets in decades. The NYPD does not agree, calling it a vicious gang with a P.R. campaign. One thing is certain, the City will never be the same when the Nation goes downtown. 1999. USA. a Big Noise Film


