Browse Video
dissent in RGB
dissent in RGB
Dolls & Dust: Women Workers in Sri Lanka, Thailand and South Korea.
Dolls & Dust: Women Workers in Sri Lanka, Thailand and South Korea.
Don't Invade my Privacy
Don't Invade my Privacy
don´t piss down my back and tell me it´s raining
don´t piss down my back and tell me it´s raining
Dow Does The Right Thing
Dow accepts full responsibility
Dow Live Earth Run for the Water Protest in Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Dow Live Earth Run for the Water Protest in Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Dow Live Earth Run for Water, New York, April 18, 2010
Dow Live Earth Run for Water, New York, April 18, 2010
Drawing the line at Pittston
Drawing the line at Pittston

Allpamanda Por la Tierra,


    Allpamanda for the earth
    Causaimanda for life
    Jatarishun let?s rise up
    Organisation of Indian Peoples of Pastaza (OPIP) Union Base (Puyo-Pastaza)
    Estudios Altercine
    Quito - Ecuador
    1992 On 11 April 1992 2.000 Quechuas Archuares, and Shiwiares from Pastaza, start the march for legalisation of their territories and the defence of life.


