Browse Video
Moving Forest
2012 The Moving Forest: An Opera
30 Seconds of Entertainment
30 Seconds of Entertainment
9.11 Another World is Possible
9.11 Another World is Possible
A busz       THE BUS (The yellowbus)
A busz THE BUS (The yellowbus)
A message from Anonymous to Wall street, New York, and the Protestors
A message from Anonymous to Wall street
About Mosireen (still)
About Mosireen (Cairo)

Zoned for Slavery

jump to a section of the video using the markers below

The Child Behind The Label
a video by
David Belle
Katharine Kean
Rudi Stern
US, Crowing Rooster Arts, 1995
23 minutes
Investigation of very young working women in the Free Trade Zone in Honduras and consequences on their lives due to exploitation (below subsistence wages, lack of access to education, health hazards, forced contraception, denied freedom, harassment, etc.). A National Labor Committee (NLC) representative speaks about workers' actual wages, the cost of production (for ex., 12 cents for a 20$ Gap shirt), the US tax support for free trade zones, and the pressure on companies to produce in free trade zones and the effect on American workers. The NLC representative looks at the wider economic impact of paying low wages (trading with people earning wages below the subsistence level is impossible). Detailed interviews with workers. Heated discussion with management as the representative gets caught asking workers questions without management's permission.
Dedicated to the memory of Jorge Sierra

