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Indymedia Newsreal - July 2003
Indymedia Newsreal - July 2003
Informed Dissent: No More War
Informed Dissent: No More War
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on education and military, the new economy, and the battles to control oil resources
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on education and military
Informed Dissent: Paint protest - Graffiti Night Out screencapture
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on Latin America
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky compares the anti-Iraq war movement with the Vietnam and other anti-war campaigns
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the anti-Iraq war movement
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the connection between the Marshall plan and oil and how globalisation will result in an increase in Terrorism.
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the Marshall plan
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the US presidential campaign, the Middle East an Iran and Iraq's possible response to an invasion
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the US presidential campaign

Smokey the Log


    Campaign video for the Yes, Bush Can '04 campaign.

    The Petition:
    Whereas God ordered Adam to use of the fruits of the Garden of Eden as he saw fit;
    whereas President Bush's forest policies allow us to use America's natural resources as we see fit, so long as they last;
    whereas forest fires have an important role in these policies, by opening valuable public lands to 'salvage logging';
    whereas 'Smokey the Bear' does therefore no longer adequately represent the complex po- litical realities of today, as trees have a good deal more utility and economic value than bears;
    therefore we, the undersigned, hereby support replacing 'Smokey the Bear' with 'Smokey the Log' as the official mascot of the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.


