Browse Video
Albania: From Communism to Capitalism
Albania: From Communism to Capitalism
Allpamanda Por la Tierra,
Allpamanda Por la Tierra,
Amandla Awetu/ Power to the People
Amandla Awetu/ Power to the People
America Behind Bars
America Behind Bars
Americain Autumn: an Occudoc
American Autumn: an Occudoc
AMG Strain software
AMG Strain software
ANIMAL and Stamp Stampede KillCitizensUnited
ANIMAL and Stamp Stampede KillCitizensUnited
Anonymous Declaration of Freedom
Anonymous Declaration of Freedom

World-Information City Bangalore November 2005

jump to a section of the video using the markers below

Global Information Landscapes and Urban Transformations
World-Information City was a one-week programme of events addressing global issues of intellectual property and technology in conjunction with changing urban landscapes in NOvember 2005. Held at India's IT metropolis Bangalore, World-Information City was a cooperative project of the Institute of New Culture Technologies/t0 (Vienna), Sarai CSDS (Delhi), Waag Society (Amsterdam), ALF (Bangalore), Mahiti (Bangalore) and local partners. The programme brings together researchers, artists and activists from Europe and South Asia. It consisted of a conference, workshops, an exhibition, a public campaign, and a series of musical and art events based on electronic media.

