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Indymedia Newsreal - July 2003
Indymedia Newsreal - July 2003
Informed Dissent: No More War
Informed Dissent: No More War
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on education and military, the new economy, and the battles to control oil resources
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on education and military
Informed Dissent: Paint protest - Graffiti Night Out screencapture
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on Latin America
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky compares the anti-Iraq war movement with the Vietnam and other anti-war campaigns
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the anti-Iraq war movement
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the connection between the Marshall plan and oil and how globalisation will result in an increase in Terrorism.
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the Marshall plan
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the US presidential campaign, the Middle East an Iran and Iraq's possible response to an invasion
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the US presidential campaign

Goodbye Columbus: Brazilian Snapshots


    Brazilian journalist visits some families who fit into neither of the prevaling Brazilian stereotypes; luxurious living or desperate poverty. He visits the Patazos Indian tribe of Barra Velha, the black population of Salvador, inclufing the music group Olodum, sees the influence of Catholicism on the community of Tiradentes, and lastly visits a collective farm at Sarandi, which Mader presents as a symbol of hope for a country ravaged by political corruption and economic inequality.
    Director: Roberto Mader.
    APT Film and Television
    UK, 1992


