Browse Video
Indymedia Newsreal - July 2003
Indymedia Newsreal - July 2003
Informed Dissent: No More War
Informed Dissent: No More War
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on education and military, the new economy, and the battles to control oil resources
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on education and military
Informed Dissent: Paint protest - Graffiti Night Out screencapture
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on Latin America
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky compares the anti-Iraq war movement with the Vietnam and other anti-war campaigns
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the anti-Iraq war movement
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the connection between the Marshall plan and oil and how globalisation will result in an increase in Terrorism.
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the Marshall plan
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the US presidential campaign, the Middle East an Iran and Iraq's possible response to an invasion
Informed Dissent: Noam Chomsky on the US presidential campaign

Open Video Conference: The Future of Online Video

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"The WITNESS Hub attended the first ever Open Video Conference on June 19th, 2009 in New York City. The goal of the conference was to bring energy, excitement, and enthusiasm to the important conversation over the future of online video. We interviewed panelists and participants and asked: What is open video? and Why is it important?"
Produced and edited by Catlin Clay and Masha Medvedkov
The Hub - The Global Channel for Human Rights
June 25, 2009

