Browse Video
Day Out
Day Out
De Aardappeloproer van Nieuwe Pekela /The Potatoe Riot of Nieuwe Pekela
De Aardappeloproer van Nieuwe Pekela /The Potatoe Riot of Nieuwe Pekela
De oorlog is stout (The war is naughty)
De oorlog is stout (The war is naughty)
De quantos numeros e algumas letras precisamos para funcionar?
De quantos numeros e algumas letras precisamos para funcionar?
Deep Dish T.V. Idiot Savant Box (still)
Deep Dish TV Idiot Box Savant
Delivery for Mr. Assange
Delivery for Mr. Assange
Demolition Man
Demolition Man

Khaled for Vendetta


    Khaled for Vendetta
    Written and directed by Mohamed Elm elhoda
    Matrix2008 studio, 2011
    Linda Herrera: "The five-minute film "Khaled for Vendetta," (..) masterfully draws out the parallels between the totalitarian society in V for Vendetta and Egypt under Emergency Law.
    The film opens with ominous music from V for Vendetta followed by a fade in and out of Khaled's image over a black backdrop. The shot cuts to the Peoples Assembly (Majlis al-Sha`ab) session of May 11, 2010, with the then Prime Minister, Ahmed Nazif, announcing the renewal of Emergency Law for two more years. He declares it will be used only to confront drugs and terrorism. Members of parliament applaud. The words "drugs and terrorism" are repeated over and over."
    From: Herrera,"V for Vendetta: The Other Face of Egypt's Youth Movement" (2011)


