next 5 minutes international festival of tactical media, September 11-14 2003, Amsterdam

Global Conflicts - RE-RUN FROM SATURDAY 09/13

1:WSB Hassan Sabbah 2:Local (Mahali) 3:Scenes from an Endless War 4:On Borders

Toni Serra and Joan Leandre, USA and Spain, 1999, 3', beta sp
A quotation of William S. Burroughs is given new meaning.

Imad Ahmed, Ismail Habash, Raed Al Helou, Palestine, 2002, 52', Beta SP
The three filmmakers, who work as TV news cameramen in Ramallah, are caught in their offices when the Israeli military occupies the city in March 2002. This film is a chronicle of the days they spent inside, under curfew, as the siege of Arafat's compound dragged on. It follows the mundane realities of trying to live under a military curfew with humor and dignity, and ends with their escape from the office.

Norman Cowie, USA, 2002, 32'
Scenes from an endless war is an experimental documentary on militarism,
globalization, and the "war against terrorism." Part meditation, part
commentary, Scenes employs recontextualized commercial images, rewritten
news crawls, and original footage and interviews to question received
wisdom and common sense assumptions about current American policies.

Danielle Arbid, FR, 2002, 59'
"I spent four weeks, two days and a few hours circling a country that has two names : Israel and/or Palestine. I never once crossed the border. I watched the country through the eyes of those who look at it from the outside, fantasising, hating, loving. My film follows my wanderings. We are face to face with a country as intriguing as inaccessible.