next 5 minutes international festival of tactical media, September 11-14 2003, Amsterdam

Oberhausen on Tour 2009

“Best of” German and International Competition (35mm).

Author: redactie redactie

Dit programma vindt ook plaats op 7 februari. <br /><br />Deze winter vertoont Cinema De Balie twee blokken met het beste van de
Duitse en Internationale competitie. Het hart van het eerste blok, dat
te zien is op 6 en 7 februari, is “On the Third Planet from the Sun” de
winnaar van de prijs van de stad Oberhausen.<br />

<br /><br /><br />In deze documentaire probeert een groep boeren in het noorden van Rusland hun land vijfenveertig jaar na de laatste tests met bommen, weer  te herstellen in de oude staat. Geïnspireerd door het werk van Tarkovski, toont Medvedev beelden van het archaïsche platteland, versneden met interviews van mensen die proberen te overleven. In de rauwe animatie “Der Anhalter” van Daniel Hopfner zien we het verweerde station ”Anhalter Bahnhof” in een ongewone visie op “post-war” Berlijn. De sociaal realistische Roemeens korte film “Alexandra” is een juweeltje! De wrijving tussen de gescheiden ouders van Alexandra zorgt voor een indringende confrontatie op 25 vierkante meter.<br />Als raamvertelling begint het blok met “If I Fall” en eindigt het met “The Terrace”. Twee films die met preciese beelden, hun diepere betekenis pas op het laatste moment prijsgeven.<br /><br /><p><i><b>“Best of” German and International Competition (35mm)</b></i></p><p><i>At the centre of this epic film programme is the winner of the 2007 Grand Prize of the City of Oberhausen, “On the Third Planet from the Sun”. Forty-five years after the last hydrogen bomb tests, people living in northern Russia are arduously trying to recover their land, now littered with metal objects. In his documentary, Medvedev juxtaposes images of the archaic-looking landscape with the stories of the people who make their lives there, echoing a method familiar from the work of Tarkovsky. Daniel Höpfner’s raw animated documentary, “Anhalter”, is set in the ruins of Berlin’s Anhalter Railway Station, presenting an unusual take on the German postwar period.</i></p><p><i>The Rumanian fiction short “Alexandra” is wholly indebted to Social Realism, but embeds its story in the psychological plane, tracing how a fight between little Alexandra’s parents takes an ugly turn. By contrast, “If I Fall” and “The Terrace”, the two films framing the beginning and end of the programme, recount their tales of social exchange in precise images, with a deeper meaning that unfolds its full impact only at the very end.</i></p><p><i>(total length: 86’30’‘)</i></p><p><i><b>Jos Kaadun (If I Fall)_</b>Hannaleena Hauru_Finland 2007_35mm_colour_finOVengST_13‘30‘‘Fiction. </i></p><p><i>Kaarina is a young woman working in a Finnish sawmill. She repetitively falls down without anyone noticing. </i></p><p><i><b>Anhalter</b>_Daniel Höpfner_Germany 2007_35mm_colour_gerOV engST_12‘30’’Animation. </i></p><p><i>Berlin, 23rd February 1959, 11.23 p.m. P. Hermann enters the entrance hall of the Anhalter Station which was released for demolition. The longer he stays inside the building, the more he succumbs to his memories and visions and merges more and more with the building.</i></p><p><i><b>On the Third Planet From the Sun</b>_Pavel Medvedev_Russia 2006_35mm_colour_rusOV engST_32‘ Documentary. <br /></i></p><p><i>The north of Russia 45 years after testing the H-Bomb. </i></p><p><i><b>Alexandra</b>_Radu Jude_Romania 2007_35mm_colour_rumOV engST_24’ Fiction. </i></p><p><i>Tavi, a man in his late thirties, discovers that Alexandra, his 4-year-old daughter, does not call him 'dad' anymore. Tensions with his ex-wife and her new boy-friend are likely. </i></p><p><i><b>San Thuong (The Terrace)_</b>Nguyen Ha Phong_Vietnam 2006_35mm_colour_vieOV engST_12’30’’ Fiction. </i></p><p><i>An old man and his son are sitting on their terrace. As a parrot appears the old man asks his son six times: &quot;What is it?&quot; If that happened to you, what would you do?</i></p>

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