next 5 minutes international festival of tactical media, September 11-14 2003, Amsterdam

Cinedans - Argentina

Author: redactie redactie

<b>Cielo Azul Cielo Negro</b> <br />Argentina, 2003, 84 minutes <br />Director: Paula De Luque, Sabrina Farji <br />Four lonely characters, Violeta, Abel, Gabriel and Ana, tell their stories in four sections. Their stories form a unique plot driven by destiny. They are all coming to an end of part of their life and without realising it beginning a new chapter. Through the eye of Violeta’s camera, the viewer sees only her part of the story, which is a metaphor for how restricted people are through only being able to live for themselves.
<p>Aanvang | 20.00 uur<br />Entree | 5 euro, korting is niet van toepassing<br />Voertaal | n.v.t.</p>