next 5 minutes international festival of tactical media, September 11-14 2003, Amsterdam

Resfest: Everything Under the Sun

Author: redactie redactie

When wading through the thousands of submissions received this year, one fact was more apparent than ever before: filmmakers are increasingly pushing themselves to respond directly to the complexities of modern life. Here is a collection of stylistically disparate work that is unashamedly issues-based. And those issues themselves are far-reaching, including the fragility of the environment, stem cell research, deforestation, nuclear proliferation and the anti-globalization movement, to name just a few. At a historical moment when many of us are feeling a greater drive to act, and act responsibly – both individually and collectively – it is a source of considerable encouragement and inspiration to find talented filmmakers so eager to lead the way.<br />
Start | 16h.<br />Price | 7,- euros, Day Pass 15,- euros<br />Language | English<br />Duration | 74:06 minutes<br />

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