
Ned Rossiter

Ned Rossiter is is a media theorist who researches on the political dimensions of labour and life in informational economies. He is currently investigating global logistics industries and the intersections between labour regimes, IT infrastructures, electronic waste industries and questions of informational sovereignty.

Ned was based in Perth, Melbourne, Northern Ireland, Beijing, Shanghai and Ningbo before taking up an appointment as Professor of Communication in 2011 in the School of Humanities and Communication Arts at UWS where he is also a member of the Institute for Culture and Society.

He is the author of Organized Networks: Media Theory, Creative Labour, New Institutions, NAi Publications, Rotterdam (2006). Ned is currently working on two books entitled Logistical Nightmares: Infrastructure, Software, Labour (New York: Routledge, forthcoming 2014) and (with Geert Lovink) Urgent Aphorisms: The Politics of Network Cultures (London: Minor Compositions, forthcoming 2014).