Search results for 'activism'


The Internet Freedom Fallacy and Arab Digital Activism 

This article focuses on grassroots digital activism in the Arab world and the risks of what seems to be an inevitable collusion with U.S foreign policy and interests. It sums up the most important elements of the conversation I have been having for the last two years with many actors involved in defending online free speech and the use of technology for social and political change. While the main focus is Arab digital activism, I have made sure to include similar concerns raised by activists and online free speech advocates from other parts of the world, such as China, Thailand, and Iran.



Carbon Defense League

Carbon Defense League (CDL) is a collective of media artists, technologists, activists and critical theorists working to explore the intersection between radical theory, traditional activism, and technology subversion through the creation of tactical media projects utilizing communication system technologies. The collective began in Pittsburgh, PA in 1997 and now has international membership with concentrations in areas including Michigan, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Spain, Australia, Amsterdam, and the United Kingdom.



    Tactics of Protest Now 

    This discussion explores tactical media in contemporary culture and social movements. In response to a deep economic, political, and cultural crisis, new social movements are challenging the dominant political and economic order. Tactical media, David Garcia says, has emerged through, 'the impact of the rise of small-scale DIY media, tools and networks in art, social and political activism, and the rise of new social movements.' How can tactical media connect with and re-contextualise the traditional methods of propaganda and create new alternative forms of action for the future?



    Michael Seemann

    Michael Seemann studied Applied Cultural Studies in Lüneburg. Since 2005 he is active on the internet with various projects. He founded and ('reading Twitter'), organized various events and runs the popular podcast In 2010 he began the blog CTRL-verlust, about the loss of control over data on the internet. In 2014 he published Das neue Spiel after a successful crowdfunding campaign. Now he blogs at and writes for various media like Rolling Stone, TIME online, SPEX, Spiegel Online, c't and the DU magazine. He gives lectures on whistleblowing, privacy, copyright, internet culture and the crisis of institutions in times of Kontrollverlust.
