d&C Amsterdam
d&c Ekaterinburg
d&C Moscow
Reports in Russian
d&C Amsterdam
15 Sep 03 14:27 - 14:27
Action of the Russian Art-Group "Archeopterix", in t(..) >>
d&C Amsterdam
7 Okt 03 21:54 - 21:54
Debates & Credit..
As part of the final phase of Debates & Credits a book (..) >>
d&C Amsterdam
15 Okt 03 01:12 - 01:12
Watch the D&C Vi..
Links to all vid..
In this article all links to video files connected to(..) >>
Recent reports:
all reports
Demolition Man G..
Amsterdam based artist Arno Coenen mounts his update of heroic i(..) >>
The mischievous ..
...an art work f..
The Activator is a sound engine and street installation object d(..) >>
Leaving Traces....
Uncovering the p..
While MACHINE was painting walls in Ekaterinburg and Moscow, and(..) >>
Report from the Internet Forum on definitions of legality and il(..) >>
BeamMobile in Mo..
Permissions or not - the group Machine and leonard van Munster c(..) >>
PARK 4D TV in Ek..
During D&C PARK 4D TV from Amsterdam is present on local televis(..) >>
Remember Tomorro..
MACHINE leave their messages in the city spaces of Moscow and Ek(..) >>
Look at what the..
Leonard van Munster puts words made out of mirrors on the walls (..) >>
"Falls & Rises"..
Video Installati..
Artists from Nizhniy Novgorod Galina Myznikova & Serguey Provoro(..) >>
Oleg Kyreev
We can now confirm the rumour that a fake Russian police officer(..) >>
Recent essays:
all essays
General Introduc..
Debates & Credit..
"Debates & Credits" is an attempt to find possibilities for ar(..) >>
Minima Sententia
by Tatiana Goryucheva "They are perfectly aware about the(..) >>
Virtualité, adi..
What happens whe..
by Eric Kluitenberg Donna Haraway already pointed it out, h(..) >>
by Max Bruinsma
There are two ways to understand the term ‘users’ - this c(..) >>
Media Darkness
Reflections on P..
by Oliver Marchart There is an unshakable belief in the i(..) >>
Life and Death o..
by Viktor Voronk..
My article deals with the phenomenon of the public sphere in t(..) >>
Art, Space and t..
Some basic obser..
"Social space is produced and structured by conflicts. With th(..) >>
Artists particip..
(in alfabetical ..
Constructing the..
A venture into h..
by Eric Kluitenberg, Amsterdam, March 2003 Democracy can (..) >>
Public Urban Vis..
by Tania Goryuch..
"Debates&Credits" explored ways for a direct intervention into(..) >>
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