Search results for 'tactical+reality'


Dark Markets 

Dark Markets is a two day strategic conference that looked into the state of the art of media politics, information technologies, and theories of democracy. A variety of international speakers inquired into strategies of oppositional movements and discussed the role of new media.



REALLY? - Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis 

Opening on 22 June 2024 at Framer Framed, the exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis highlights the ways in which the scientific disciplines – historically associated with truth-telling – are increasingly used by cynical actors of big corporations and rogue governments alike to obscure, mislead and effectively capitalise and weaponise ignorance. The exhibition is curated by David Garcia and Mi You.



What is Meme Warfare? 

Unshackle the Human Spirit!

The most precious natural resource is human spirit. A close second is human imagination. Spirit and imagination will do more than oil, gold and guns to determine the fate of the human experiment on Earth, an experiment that has never been as precarious as it is today.
