Search results for 'tactical+media'


Michael Dieter

Michael Dieter is a PhD candidate at University of Melbourne, currently completing a doctoral thesis on the relations between media aesthetics, ecological thought and political philosophy in critical technoscientific art practices. His publications have appeared in the journals M/C and the Australian Humanities Review. He currently teaches in the new media program at the University of Amsterdam.



Next 5 Minutes 1 

The Next Five Minutes is a conference, exhibition and tv program taking place between 8th and 10th January 1993 in Amsterdam, that wants to leave behind the rigid dichotomy between the mainstream, commercial and national tv on one hand and  marginal independent tv on the other. Although these differences may still be important, N5M wants to focus on tv-makers crossing the borders of tv-making and going into the spaces that the tv-world still has to offer.



REALLY? - Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis 

Opening on 22 June 2024 at Framer Framed, the exhibition Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis highlights the ways in which the scientific disciplines – historically associated with truth-telling – are increasingly used by cynical actors of big corporations and rogue governments alike to obscure, mislead and effectively capitalise and weaponise ignorance. The exhibition is curated by David Garcia and Mi You.



Eva and Franco Mattes internationally known as - is a couple of restless European con-artists who use non conventional communication tactics to obtain the larges visibility with the minimal effort. Past works include staging a hoax involving a completely made-up artist, ripping off the Holy See and spreading a computer virus as a work of art.
