

7 found for 'act up' in files

ACT UP Civil Disobedience Manual  ACTUP_CivilDisobedience.pdf, 392,3 KiB

ACT UP Civil Disobedience Training  ACTUP_CivilDisobedience.pdf, 392,3 KiB

The history of Civil Disobedience is a long and international one. ACT UP practices a form that comes from a...

yeslab "Want to do a Yeslab?"  SoyouwanttodoaYesLab.pdf, 211,5 KiB
Activist guide to setting up and doing a Yeslab, by The Yesmen.

Whistleblowing for Change  Bazzichelli_Whistleblowing for Change.pdf, 26,8 MiB
Whistleblowing for Change
Exposing Systems of Power & Injustice
Tatiana Bazzichelli (ed.)

The courageous acts of whistleblowing that inspired the world over the past few years have changed our perception of surveillance and control...

Antiscoial Media  AntisocialMedia_IanAlanPaul_2017.pdf, 6,6 MiB
“Antisocial Media” is a remix/cut-up/utopian-plagiarism of Guy Debord’s 1967 “The Society of the Spectacle” that reflects on the role of the network and (anti)social media in political, economic, and everyday life.

Ian Allen Paul, 2017.

Survival Guide in a Revolution  Anonymous_-_ Survival_Guide_for_Citizens_in_a_Revolution.pdf, 901,5 KiB
Anonymous: Survival Guide for Citizens in a Revolution

This Guide is for civilians who feel they are about to be caught up in a violent uprising or revolution to overthrow the oppressive govern- ment of their country. Although a revolution in fa...

The Little Book of Ideas  Occupy+Little+Book+of+Ideas.pdf, 1082,4 KiB
A small handbook which explains complex economic terms and theories in simple language, to help everyone understand what has caused the economic mess, why it's still continuing, and enable them to engage in the debate about what needs to be changed for the...

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