

19 found for 'design' in persons

Bruce Sterling
Bruce Sterling  is an American science fiction author, speaker, futurist and design instructor.
tags:  environmentart

Daniel van der Velden
Daniel van der Velden is a graphic designer and writer. He graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy, and studied in Maastri...
tags:  designwikileaks

Andy Cameron
Co-author with Richard Barbrook of the infamous Californian Ideology essay (1995).
tags:  designinteractive media

Rachel Baker
Rachel Baker is a network artist based in London. Between 1991 and 1996 she attended art colleges including Exeter College Of ...

Krzysztof Wodiczko
Krzysztof Wodiczko is an artist currently living in Boston and teaching at MIT.
tags:  art

Merijn Oudenampsen
Merijn Oudenampsen is an urban sociologist, active member of the Flexmens collective and a freelance researcher. His main rese...
tags:  politicsenvironmentcampaign

Bas Raijmakers
Bas Raijmakers is the creative director of STBY. Since the early nineties he has worked in the internet and media industry as co...
tags:  next 5 minutes

Robert M Ochshorn
Nomadic artist, programmer, and musician. Split background including passionate forays into media and journalism, electrical and...
tags:  artarchivedesigncritical engineering

Annet Dekker
Annet Dekker is an independent researcher and curator. She is currently Assistant Professor of Media Studies: Archival Science a...
tags:  artarchivetheory

Gene Ray
Gene Ray is a critic and theorist living in Berlin, is a member of the Radical Culture Research Collective (RCRC).
tags:  arttactical media

David Garcia
David Garcia is an artist, teacher and organizer who...
tags:  arttactical medianext 5 minutestactical televisiontactical education

Zach Blas
Zach Blas is an artist and writer whose work engages technology, queerness, and politics. Currently, he is an Assistant Professo...
tags:  arthybrid spacesurveillance

Brian Holmes
Brian Holmes, is an art critic, theorist and activist, particularly involved with the mapping of contemporary capitalism.

Richard Barbrook
Dr. Richard Barbrook was educated at Cambridge, Essex and Kent universities. During the early-1980s, he was involved in pirate...

Calin Dan
Artist Born 1955, Arad, Romania Based in Amsterdam and Bucharest MA in Art History & Theory. Initial career as art journalist, ...
tags:  art

Critical Art Ensemble
A collective of five artists dedicated to exploring the intersections between art, technology, radical politics and critical t...
tags:  arttactical mediatheorybiotechnologybiowarfarecontestational biologyperformance

Jordan Crandall
Jordan Crandall is an artist, theorist, and performer based in Los Angeles.  His video installations, presented in numerous ex...
tags:  arttheorysurveillance

Eric Kluitenberg
Eric Kluitenberg is an independent theorist, writer, and organiser on culture, media and technology.  He is the editor-in-chief ...
tags:  arttactical mediamedia theorypublic domainhybrid space

Tjebbe van Tijen
Tjebbe vam Tijen is a Dutch artist, theorist and curator.
tags:  artarchivedesignnext 5 minutes

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